For determination of tightness, value of separation and pressure drop are all the highly effective filter elements ULPA subjected to SCAN-test according to ČSN EN 1822. In this testing procedure, for each filter location, there is a local separation check proceeded under the conditions of minimum value of separation of filter media and compared with a minimum of local values of separation according to ČSN EN 1822.

The locations with lower value of separation are detected as leaks. After re-sealing of the leak a new scantest will be proceeded. From the integrated local values, we will receive the total value of separation of the filter element.

The evidence of tightness, pressure drop and value of separation of filter element, which has its own serial number, is indicated on the label and in the measurement protocol. Filter elements of non-standard design and dimensions, which cannot scan, are supervised only for the oil mist tightness according to DIN 24184.

Foto HEPA filter

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